Monday, December 14, 2009

Final #4 of 6!

Dermatology Final FUN Facts! (Getting closer to the end!)

1. With otitis, only implement systemic treatment for ulcerations, otitis media, or proliferations.

2. Lupus erythematosus lesions result in depigmentation of the nose and a loss of the cobblestone appearance (no “nose-print”).

3. Bovine ascariasis (mange) usually affects the TAIL HEAD.

4. Impetigo papules are NOT oriented around the hair shaft and it is NOT contagious (in dogs).

5. Copper deficiency in cattle causes a harsh hair coat with FADED COLOR (think bleach-blonde Hereford’s).

6. Culicoides (a causative agent of equine insect hypersensitivity – the most common cause of pruritis in horses) are “weak fliers” and cannot fly into a box fan.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Final #2 of 6

Theriogenology Final FUN Facts:

1. Urethrostomy is performed at the level of the perineum in cats, but at the level of the scrotum in dogs.

2. Dogs spayed at less than six months of age almost never develop mammary cancer.

3. In cryptorchid dogs, the testicle is usually in the abdomen lying just next to the bladder.

4. Rams that are born co-twin to another male have a higher breeding capacity than those born co-twin to a female.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Final #1 of 6

It's that time of the semester again (finals time!) - but this time it's the LAST TIME!

Here are a few fun facts for my first final exam tomorrow morning - Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases!

Metabolic Final FUN Facts:

1. Pergolide is used to treat PPID (Equine Cushing’s Syndrome) by increasing the action of dopamine. Pergolide was first used to treat Parkinson’s disease in people, but it was linked to valvular dysfunction and discontinued.

2. The CNS, placenta, and mammary glands are the only tissues NOT under the regulation of insulin.

3. Xylitol (an artificial sweetener in GUM) will cause severe hypoglycemia in dogs.

4. Cows with fatty liver will NOT be icteric. Cats will!

My study buddy, Maxamillion.