Sunday, April 17, 2011

Three Weeks to DVM

Well that was fast. To fast. Only a mere three weeks/one clinical rotation/twenty-one days stand between now and graduation. It feels like just yesterday that I found out I had even been accepted to begin veterinary school. I lived in a little apartment right next to a railroad, and a train was passing through when I opened the "Congratulations. You have been accepted." e-mail. I had my roommate read the e-mail out-loud to me. Just to make sure it was real. Of course I could not hear a word she was saying over the noise of the train. But the excitement on her face told me I was in. This was it.

And now here I am about to graduate. Kind of exciting. And just as it all began, I am heading out of East Lansing with a bang. My last three-weeks of formal veterinary training will be with the Emergency/Critical Care Medicine Service. This will be the last time I introduce myself with, "Hi I am Christina. I am a senior veterinary student working with Doctor whomever.". After May 6, it will sound something a bit more like, "Hi I am Dr. Cooper". Pretty cool.

Of course graduation is merely the first step of the uphill climb that is the first year of practice. So do not fret - I am aware that I am certainly not on Easy Street. But this first step is pretty much crucial, and making it is something to celebrate. So I am going to take these last three weeks and cherish them. Cherish my classmates, who have become some of my closest friends. Cherish the teachers and advisors that support me every day. Cherish the animals. Cherish the clients, in all their glory. Cherish the learning.

And celebrate. Congratulation to the Class of 2011!